What Chefs Feed Their Kids

IMG_7678I distinctly remember the first time I saw this book. Classic case of book envy. It was in January 2013 and I was hanging out with a friend for a playdate with our kids and I spied this book on their counter. I flipped through it and fell in love. It’s a beautiful book. Clean layout, lots of great stories about the featured chefs and their kids, tips about cooking with her own child – I was sold. I’ve used it occasionally over the past two years but this was the first time I really focused on the recipes themselves.

H picked the book this week, which I found particularly appropriate since my ego was feeling a bit out of hand after I helped cook for a charity dinner. Of course I can be a chef at home! And you’re my child – so you’ll eat like a chef this week! Easier said than done. Nothing like your own children to dish out the humble pie when you need it.

The Recipes
Turkey Meatballs with Orecchiette Pasta and Tomato Sauce
Cannellini Bean Dip
Simply Leafy Greens
Carrot Salad with Ginger
Curried Chickpea Salad
Deviled Eggs with Tuna
Cannellini and Yellow Wax Bean Salad with Shaved Radish
Spaghetti Pancakes
Broccoli with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
Broccoli and Cheese Curds Continue reading